Catalog No.: 100991
Net Contents: 473 mL
Tris Buffered Saline: The Essential Choice for Reagent Reconstitution and Dilution, Platelet Function, and Hemostasis Sample Preparation
Tris Buffered Saline is routinely used for the reconstitution and dilution of reagents and samples tested for platelet aggregation, Ristocetin CoFactor Activity Assays or other laboratory studies.
Used for Reagent Reconstitution and Dilution
Suitable for Platelet Function and Hemostasis Sample Dilutions
Packaged for Laboratory Selected Volumes
Tris Buffered Saline plays a crucial role in laboratory applications, serving as a versatile solution for the reconstitution and dilution of reagents and samples essential for a spectrum of studies, including platelet aggregation, Ristocetin CoFactor Activity Assays, and various other laboratory investigations.
Designed specifically for reagent reconstitution and dilution, Tris Buffered Saline ensures precision and accuracy in experimental procedures. Its suitability extends beyond mere dilution, making it an optimal choice for the nuanced requirements of platelet function and hemostasis sample dilutions.
To enhance convenience and efficiency in the laboratory setting, Tris Buffered Saline is meticulously packaged in volumes tailored for laboratory use. This thoughtful packaging streamlines the experimental process, providing researchers with the right amount of solution for their studies.
Tris Buffered Saline goes beyond its role in platelet aggregation and CoFactor Activity Assays; it is also positioned as a saline buffered diluent for general use in coagulation studies. Its formulation ensures a balanced and stable environment, making it an invaluable tool in various facets of laboratory research.
For added convenience, Tris Buffered Saline is available in bulk packaging. This not only ensures a seamless workflow by minimizing the need for frequent replenishment but also emphasizes its commitment to providing researchers with a practical and efficient solution for their laboratory needs.
Tris Buffered Saline stands as a multifaceted and indispensable tool in the laboratory, addressing the nuanced requirements of diverse studies while prioritizing ease of use and convenience through its carefully tailored packaging options.
Familiarize yourself with the materials provided, encompassing the Hematology Reagents Product Data Sheet. In addition, review the Tris Buffered Saline Instruction for Use (IFU) and the Tris Buffered Saline Safety Data Sheet (SDS), accessible in six languages. Meticulously scrutinize the Tris Buffered Saline EU and UK Declaration of Conformity to ensure compliance and a nuanced understanding, specifically tailored for our customers and distributors in Europe and the United Kingdom. To fully understand the product's details and specifications, it is essential to carefully review this information.