Achieve Peak Performance with our Superior Platelet Aggregometers and Aggregation Reagents
PAP-8E Platelet Aggregometer in laboratory
Lab Techs reviewing Bio/Data's PAP-8E Platelet Aggregation Results.
Pipetting Samples for Platelet Aggregation Testing
PAP-8E Platelet Aggregometer in laboratory
6 of the Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies
93 of the Top 100 University Hospitals
5 of the Top 7 Clinical Research Organizations
4 of the Top 5 Reference Laboratories
Effortlessly Perform Routine and Special Aggregation Testing, Ristocetin Cofactor Activity Analysis, Anti-Platelet Drug Responses, and Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Detection with our Exceptional Platelet Function Solutions
Enhance Your Platelet Testing with The PAP-8E Aggregometer:
Easy, Accurate, and Reliable!
Unleash Precision with Superior Platelet Aggregation Reagents and Complete von Willebrand Kits
Explore the Diverse Range of
Our Exclusive Platelet Aggregation Research Reagents
Revolutionize Platelet Testing Precision with the Unstoppable PDQ Platelet Function Centrifuge
Bio/Data Corporation is a renowned industry leader, distinguished for its exceptional expertise in the manufacturing and distribution of cutting-edge Platelet Aggregometers, Platelet Function Centrifuges, Platelet Aggregation Reagents, Consumables, and Accessories. With a rich history spanning over five decades, our unwavering commitment remains steadfast in providing Thrombosis, Hemostasis, and Research Laboratories across the globe with reliable and innovative testing solutions. Our extensive range of products plays a pivotal role in the meticulous evaluation of various Hemostasis and Platelet Function disorders, empowering healthcare professionals and researchers to advance their knowledge and make impactful contributions to the field.